BOMAR (CZ, producer of machine tools)
CZ LOKO (CZ, producer of locomotives)
CZ STROJÍRNA (CZ, producer of machine tools)
ES-SERVIS (RUS, producer of escalators)
FMT GROUP (CZ, producer of machine tools)
SG STROJÍRNA (CZ, producer of gearboxes)
SIPR (BY, producer of equipments for mining industry)
SNORAS (CZ, producer of machine tools)
TDZ (CZ, producer of machine tools)
TES VSETÍN (CZ, producer of generators)
TOS HOSTIVAŘ (CZ, producer of machine tools)
TRIMILL (CZ, producer of machine tools)
OMOS (CZ, producer of machine tools)
PEGAS-GONDA (CZ, producer of machine tools)
PSP ENGINEERING (CZ, producer of machine tools)
MHD WERKZEUGMASCHINEN (GER, producer of machine tools)
UMBRA GROUP (GER, producer of machine tools)
and others …
Radiová 1431/2a,
102 00 Praha 10 - Hostivař